Monday, January 10, 2011

a snowy tour...

so to appease the kiddos insatiable desire to freeze her rear end off...we went on a walk around the neighborhood to see how it all looks...thankfully we made it home while I still had feeling left in my legs (knee down was frozen).  here are some pics (all taken between 9-930 this morning):

starting off leaving the house the path did not look promising...

we made it up the hill to the entrance to our neighborhood...yet another reason i'm glad i stayed home from work today...the main road was looking pretty nasty

then we turned to head back down the hill and back to the house...took a pic of our house when it came in to can barely see my poor orange car in the distance:

on the way back we spotted a few some neighbors helping push someone's teeny tiny miata up the hill to their house...miata + snow + hill = thank goodness people were there to help!  seriously...DUMB IDEA DUDE!

of course what snow storm in the south is complete without someone pulling out the four-wheeler and making donuts in the road...another DUMB IDEA...this will cause the turned up snow to freeze pretty solid and make it more treacherous for those that have to be out on the is kinda funny though...kiddo and i did witness mr. four-wheeler doing the donuts and it looked like fun!

and lastly...we made it back home...frozen...but it was a nice walk!

it's 10 am...and still snowing... to try and actually do something...nevermind...that would be an even DUMBER idea on my part!  LOL!  time for coffee and scrapping...or a nap on the couch...decisions decisions!

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