Hope ya'll have had a great weekend...and I sincerely hope those of you affected by Hurricane Irene are doing well this morning!
Just wanted to share with you a hobby I recently picked up...not sure if it's actually a "hobby"...but that title will have to do for now! A few weeks ago I decided to try my hand at canning (you know...food??). Not sure where the motivation came from exactly...but I wanted to give it a go...and let me tell you...I really enjoy the whole process! And it's getting me out and about a little more...spent the past two weekends visiting the Farmer's Market perusing all the lovely fresh, local produce! It's led to a few weekends worth of canning, but lots of goodies to enjoy both know and later!
This weekend we picked up some peaches:
(quite a bit of peaches huh? more on that later).
We got home and quickly got to work on a batch of Peach Butter...thankfully hubby is very helpful in the kitchen peeling and fetching and such...here is the Peach Butter in the early stages:
and an hour or two and a trip through the food processor later:
and it went back on the stove for another 45 minutes or so...
and now...
TA-DA! (and there are actually like 7 jars of peach butter...I didn't do all that work for just 1 jar! LOL!)
and now back to this pic:
that's how many peaches are left over AFTER the batch of Peach Butter was made! So we will be canning a bit more stuff today...I'll share those with you in Part Two!
Peach Butter Recipe from Well Preserved : Third Edition: Small Batch Preserving for the New Cook by Mary Anne Dragan
Yummy.... it looks so good!!! I love peaches!